Friday, June 24, 2011

I Love Every Day With Rachael Ray

I have been a fan of Rachael Ray's for quite awhile now. I have watched countless episodes of her "$40 a day" show, her "30 Minute Meals" show and now the newest one I enjoy is her "Week in a Day" show. Recently I decided to get a subscription to her "Every Day with Rachael Ray" magazine. I am so glad that I did! It is filled with incredible recipes, party ideas, places to visit and so much more. The most recent issue is all about grilling. I am not kidding when I tell you that you will want to make everything in this issue. With every page I turned there was more that I wanted to try. If only I had a magic wand to make the food magically appear from the page. I suppose if I am really dreaming, then that same magic would also be able to do all of the dishes, laundry, mop, and whatever else I wanted it to. Well since that isn't going to happen, it is back to reality.

As I was flipping through the pages a certain burger caught my attention. Popper Sliders is the dish. Oh my goodness are these burgers delish!!! What also really sounded good to me was the spread that she puts on top. It is made with cream cheese, garlic, cilantro, salt and pepper. At least this is how I made it. I deleted a couple of ingredients she had in it. Also, I made full sized burgers rather than sliders. (Be sure to click on the Popper Sliders link above for all the detailed instructions.)

To go with the burgers I made homemade fries. This is how I make them:
1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees
2. Cut up the potatoes into wedges. I usually cut 1-2 potatoes per person.
3. Soak the wedges in water to remove starch for about 20-30 minutes.
4. Rinse the wedges and then pat dry with a towel.
5. Arrange the wedges on a cookie sheet covered with foil.
6. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over wedges.
7. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the wedges.
8. Bake the wedges for about 15 minutes.
9. After 15 minutes, flip each wedge to the other side with tongs. Be careful!
10. Let the wedges bake for another 15-20 minutes. Depending on how crispy you want them you can leave them in longer or remove them sooner.
11. Remove fries from oven and serve hot! You can add a little more salt and pepper to them as well.

This particular batch we ate with the extra cream cheese spread. It was incredible tasty on the fries!!


 As you can see, we love garlic!!! You don't have to use as much as we do, but it sure is Yum-O!

This is what they look like all cooked. I told you you would want them! We ate ours so fast that I forgot to take a picture. This is from the magazine.

There are online extras from the Every Day with Rachael Ray June/July 2011 issue here.

If you are like me and enjoy trying new dishes I recommend a subscription to Rachael's magazine. Yes, there are tons of recipes online but sometimes it is nice to sit and read a magazine rather than always sitting at a computer reading. Enjoy your sliders and let me know if you make anything else from this issue. I am planning to try lots more!


Sims Family said...

mmmm those look so good! (Did you see the picture I posted from Girls Night out? You will have to check it out!)


CrissyG said...

Thanks Whitney! I just went to look. Really cute photos from a great night. So glad we met!!!!
Cristin :)

Ann Jones said...

Love burgers, I have never read an issue of her magazine, looks interesting! New follower from bloggy moms, look forward to your future posts! You can find me at

CrissyG said...

@Frugal in WV, Thanks so much! You would LOVE her magazine. It is great!! There are wonderful ideas and recipes on every page. Tons of useful ones too not just ones you will never make.
Cristin :)

Sheyb said...
