Monday, November 21, 2011

Inspiration Monday - Bows, bows and more bows!

Anyone who knows me well knows that I absolutely LOVE ribbon! My addiction has been fed over the years with countless trips to scrapbook and craft stores. Oh how I could just spend hours in the ribbon sections and aisles while the wheels in my brain spin with ideas. When I was pregnant with Lauren I sat at the dining room table for days pulling outfits from her closet to make coordinating bows for her to wear. I even sat for hours each night tying ribbon around a 6 foot long piece of welting to make a ribbon swag for her nursery. All the while my husband sat watching me shaking his head. I am sure the words going through his mind were, "What is she up to now?"

When I decided to start manufacturing bows, it was no shock to my friends and family. I really enjoy designing and creating them so why not start a bow line? Does this mean I get to be surrounded with endless ribbon choices? Then I am IN! So the journey begins. After finding a ribbon manufacturer, I sent them bows I wanted re-created, they made samples and now the choices begin. Oh the choices! They are overwhelming at times, but I am certainly not complaining.

Since I have long used ribbon for adding touches of detail, I now use my bows as well. They add such a great pop of color and whimsy. They look so cute clipped to a lollipop stick as a cupcake topper or clipped just under the cupcake topper. I did this at Lauren's 5th birthday party and all the little girls had such a good time picking a bow of their choice. I also put them on cake stands, plates and trays for a fun touch next to all the goodies I am serving. If you are anything like me, cnce you start placing them here and there you won't want to stop. It is a good thing I have two girls!

I have a great selection of bows to offer you and will be adding a much larger variety in the next week to ten days. More sizes, more colors, more designs are coming soon. Please visit my Etsy Shop today to see some of what I have now. I am getting ready to relaunch my boutique website as well as a brand new site for my newest division of event design and planning so please check back with often to see all the new. There are some big changes coming!

Did you see our advertisement today on The TomKat Studio blog? My sweet and talented new friend Alicia took the photos and created this darling ad. for me. Be sure to check out her site here. We have a lot of FUN plans, so be sure to keep checking back to find out what we have up our sleeves.

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