Friday, November 11, 2011

Fabulous Friday - Celebrating Veterans

Veterans are people that we meet in everyday life. They live all around the world and are sometimes even the people that are closest to us. Whoever they may be, they deserve to be recognized and honored. Without these courageous people, the history of the United States would be vastly different and we would not be the nation we are.
There are many organizations one can join, projects one can take part in, or even places one can visit on Veterans Day in order to give these service men and women thanks. One of the organizations we are personally affiliated with is “Soldiers’ Angels.” With this organization, one can give a donation, buy American flags, join a team of people in order to help out soldiers and their families, or even adopt a soldier and send individual care packages. Here are some pictures from one of the Girls' Night Out events that I hosted at Polka Dots & Popsicles to gather items for care packages.

In addition to all of the great organizations one can join, there are numerous restaurants, stores, and other great locations that veterans can visit for free or discounted items. For a list of these places, visit The Military Wallet.
This a great time of year and what better way to kick-off the holidays than by thanking all of those who stand at the forefront of our nation and represent everything our nation is known for. Please make sure that you thank a Vet. today! After all, our country is the Home of the Free because of the Brave. Thank you Veterans, and thank you Dad for serving!

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